Yael Shevach

Yael Shevach
Yael Shevach: I regret that I donated to Amiram Ben Uliel

Hours after she announced that she had donated to Amiram Ben Uliel's campaign, the crocheted media woman Yael Shevach goes back and says that she should not have donated: "The other sections related to this campaign do not reflect my views"

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 21.09.23

Discussion Regarding the Terrorist's Driver

Yael Shevach regarding the terrorist: "It is fitting that he should not remain among the living"

During the discussion in the military court regarding the driver of the terrorist who murdered Rabbi Raziel Shevach, HY"D, the family members requested that the harshest punishment be imposed on him: "Such a person should not remain among the living"

JFeed | 09.08.23