The Shin Bet

Administrative Detention, Judicial Overhaul, Politics
Israel's Judicial Overhaul 2.0 - What you need to know

Right-wing bills challenge detention powers and judicial oversight, fueling fears of democratic erosion.

Gila Isaacson | 01.07.24

Orit Strook's Demand

Before the Cabinet Meeting: Orit Strook's Demand

Just before the cabinet meeting to approve the abductee deal, Minister Orit Strook asked to receive the position of the IDF and the Shin Bet regarding each of the details of the deal being formed between Israel and Hamas.

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 21.11.23

5 Fallen Members of the Shin Bet

The Shin Bet publishes the names of 5 fallen members of the organization

The names of the employees and pensioners of the organization have been cleared for publication, some of whom fell during the fighting against terrorist infiltrators who attacked communities in the border area. The General Security Service stated that it will continue to stand by the grieving families

JFeed | 08.10.23