The Likud

Movies, Knesset
BEYOND BIZARRE: Minister of Knesset claims that Yeshiva students wrote "The Matrix"

Likud MK Galit Distel Atbaryanfalsely attributes Hollywood blockbuster to Yeshiva students (and we are more than a bit confused.)

Gila Isaacson | 20.08.24

Likud Warns About Heading to Elections

Likud admits: this is the only thing holding the government together

In the Likud, there are warnings about the idea of heading to elections around the time of the judicial reform and the Conscription Law: "Today's elections are the surefire way to the collective suicide of the right-wing camp"

JFeed | 27.08.23

The Opening of the Light Rail

Regev against the protesters on the train: "Suggest understanding that this is a Jewish state"

The Minister of Transportation referred to the opening of the light rail and the demonstrators who chained themselves to the cars in protest of the lack of activity on Saturday: "We have no intention of changing the status quo"

Liran Vainshtain, Srugim News | 20.08.23