The Chief Rabbinate of Israel

Israeli Chief Rabbi Appointment
Appointment of new Chief Rabbi delayed due to nepotism and gender issues

In defiance of a High Court ruling, the selection panel for the Chief Rabbi consists of just six women out of 150 members.

Avi Nachmani | 02.07.24

Israel-Gaza War, Selichot Ceremony

The Shas Faction Gathered for a Selichot Ceremony for the Protection of the IDF Soldiers

Following the call of the chief rabbis of Israel to hold a day of prayer for the protection of IDF soldiers and the return of the abductees, the Shas faction held a Selichot ceremony in the Knesset.

JFeed | 13.11.23

"Open Mikvahs During the Day"

The Chief Rabbinate: Open Mikvahs even During the Day

The Halacha ruling came following numerous appeals from women who are afraid to go outside their homes during the nighttime  in conflict zones. PUAH Institute: "We commend the Chief Rabbinate's initiative."

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 16.10.23