
Terror in Israel
Shooting attack near Gedera: 5 wounded in serious to moderate condition

The incident is suspected of being a terror attack.

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 16.02.24


Netanyahu: "An agreement with Saudi Arabia will change the face of the world"

Netanyahu to the employees of the Prime Minister's Office: "We are working together with the Americans to achieve peace with Saudi Arabia, this will largely change the face of the world." On the legal reform: "I believe that a compromise is possible"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 13.09.23

Terror Attack Prevented at Chabad in Mumbai

Explosives and drone: Terror attack foiled at Chabad House in Mumbai

The Indian police arrested two suspects for attempting terrorist activity at the Chabad House in Mumbai, and in their possession, explosives and a drone were seized. As a result, security has been increased around the Chabad House in the city

Yehuda Klein, Srugim News | 31.07.23

An Attempt to Smuggle Illegal Weapons Foiled

An unusual event: the General Security Service foiled an attempt to smuggle illegal weapons from Jordan

Last week, the General Security Service foiled an exceptional escape attempt of combat equipment from the Jordan area. Apparently, the weaponry was intended to be smuggled to terrorist organizations in Judea and Samaria.

JFeed | 31.07.23