
VAT, Cost of Living, Finance Ministry
Cost of Living crisis deepens as VAT hike looms

With VAT set to rise to 18% in 2025, low-income families are likely to face heightened financial strain. 

Gila Isaacson | 14.07.24

Shai Babad

After the boycott: Strauss CEO clarified; Channel 14 responded

Strauss CEO Shai Babad published a letter to employees in which he clarified that the company "will never silence or muffle voices." Channel 14 congratulated him for what was said

JFeed | 27.09.23

Strauss Invited to a Hearing

On the way to an indictment: the Strauss company was invited to a hearing

Following an extensive investigation into the food price coordination affair, the Competition Authority summoned representatives from Strauss Group and its senior executives for a hearing prior to filing indictment charges regarding alleged cartel arrangements

JFeed | 22.08.23

Rabbis Call to Boycott Strauss

Dozens of zionist rabbis: "Do not purchase Strauss products"

Heads of yeshiva, community rabbis and local rabbis declare that they will not purchase Strauss products for their institutions, and call on the public to behave similarly: "We cannot sit on the sidelines"

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 03.08.23