Srugim Studio

"Spread Torah"
Israel Zeira: "Spread Torah, stop apologizing"

"Rosh Yehudi" leader Israel Zeira aira describes the behind-the-scenes of the mass prayer on Yom Kippur, explains his interpretation of the word 'hadata', discusses the reactions he has received following the event, and outlines what awaits us in the celebration of Simchat Torah

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 28.09.23

Moshe Lion in a Special Interview

Moshe Lion in a special interview: "I represent religious Zionism, that's a fact"

The Mayor of Jerusalem, Moshe Lion, expresses hope that in the next term as well, he will be able to establish a broad coalition. He stated, "I have proven that it is possible to live side by side; this is something Jerusalem can teach other places"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 28.09.23

History in Judea and Samaria

CEO of the Ministry of Heritage: "A historic plan for Judea and Samaria."

A new government program that was recently approved aims to preserve the Jewish antiquities and history throughout Judea and Samaria. The CEO of the Ministry of Heritage, Netanel Izak, said: "Discoveries are being hidden."

Benzi Rubin, Srugim News | 25.07.23