Speaker of the Knesset

Amir Ohana
Ohana: "An opportunity for soul-searching, it's not too late"

Knesset Speaker Ohana at the "Tishrei event" in the Mishkan Square: "Tonight the call will go out from here to all the people of Israel: Forgive - and fix"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 20.09.23

Constitutional Crisis?

Amir Ohana in a harsh speech against the High Court: "We are before an abyss"

Ahead of the hearings in the Supreme Court on the petitions against the Probable Cause Law and the Obligation Law, and the fear of the High Court's intervention in basic laws, the Speaker of the Knesset in a special announcement to the media

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 06.09.23