
IDF security breach
Break-in at IDF base in southern Israel

Two Arabs have reportedly stolen a weapon from an IDF paratroopers base in southern Israel, one of whom was an illegal resident, according to Israeli National News.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 19.06.24

The Massacre

The Massacre in the Gaza Strip Envelope: a Holocaust Survivor was Murdered and 580 other Survivors were Evacuated from their Homes

Among the hundreds of casualties in the Gaza Strip envelope, at least one Holocaust survivor was killed. Two survivors who had lost their children, and hundreds more were forced to leave their homes. Deputy Finance Minister, Maklev, is holding an emergency discussion.

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 19.10.23

Agricultural Produce Theft

An Arab suspect was caught after stealing 110 kilos of grapes. Watch

Caught red-handed: Border police detectives arrested an Arab suspect while he was stealing a 110-kilogram harvest of grapes in the southern part of the country. The suspect, in his 50s, was apprehended along with another suspect who is an undocumented resident

Eliyau Luksenberg, JFeed | 21.09.23