Silicon Valley

Tech, Unit 8200
8200: The secret Israeli army unit conquering Silicon Valley 

From windowless bunkers to gleaming tech campuses, Unit 8200 veterans are redefining cybersecurity and attracting billions in investment. Their military-honed skills are not just disrupting the tech industry—they're fortifying the digital world against an ever-evolving array of threats.

Gila Isaacson | 01.09.24

Netanyahu's Upcoming Visit to the US

Before New York: Netanyahu will visit Silicon Valley next week

Against the backdrop of tensions with the American government, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is embarking on a state visit to the United States next week. He will first arrive in Silicon Valley, California. Additionally, he will participate in the UN General Assembly in New York but will not visit the White House

Bentzi Rubin, Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 10.09.23