
UK Racial Riots, Prime Minister Keir Starmer 
UK cities in chaos: Far-right and Muslim clashes intensify 

Prime Minister convenes Cobra meeting as Bolton, Middlesbrough, and Rotherham see surge in violence.

| Avi Nachmani | 05.08.24


Another day of battle at the Gaza border: a terrorist opened fire and was killed

The Palestinians are again rioting on the perimeter fence in Gaza, and this evening they also fired live fire at IDF soldiers. The soldiers returned fire and one terrorist was killed. There are no casualties to our forces

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 21.09.23

 Riot On Gaza Border

Riots at the Gaza border: report of one dead and 9 injured on the spot

Hundreds of Palestinians rioted at the border of the Gaza Strip, burning tires and setting off explosive devices. The Palestinian media reported one dead and 9 wounded by IDF fire

JFeed | 19.09.23

"Strong Measures Against the Rioters"

PM Binyamin Netanyahu convened a special team of ministers to examine how to deal with law-breaking infiltrators

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu convened a discussion yesterday (Sunday) with a special team of ministers, to examine the way of handling law-breaking infiltrators

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 04.09.23

Prison Riots Broke Out

Riots in prisons: Prison Service forces broke into the wings

Criminal prisoners began to riot in the Rimonim and Eshel prisons, prompting special forces of the Prison Service to be deployed for the dispersal of the prisoners, using gas

JFeed | 20.08.23