
A Siddur A Week
A Siddur A Week: The Tefillat Kol Peh Siddur and Its Influence

How large letters and an insistence on fullness rather than minimalism made the Tefillat Kol Peh siddur one of the most enduring prayer books in Israel.

Reuven Gafni | 09.02.24

Israel-Gaza War

Sivan Rahav-Meir's Chilling Description: Listen to the Quiet

All the fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers closed their eyes and prayed for their loved ones, together with thousands who prayed silently from London, California, New York, and Argentina.

Sivan Rahav-Meir | 26.10.23

"It is Expected to Act Responsibly"

Netanyahu alluding to Ben-Gvir: "It is expected to act responsibly"

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu subtly joined the criticism of Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir's intention to hold a prayer gathering in Dizengoff Square, stating that "after the difficult event in Tel Aviv, the most important thing is to work to calm the tensions"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 26.09.23

Documents Revealed

50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War: Do you recognize the praying soldiers?

50 years after the Yom Kippur War, the state archives reveal to the public thousands of documents and photos, including records of soldiers praying in the Sinai desert and across the Suez Canal. Do you identify the people photographed?

JFeed | 07.09.23