Pisgat Ze'ev

Israel Border Police, Molotov Cocktails
Israel Border Police ambushes a boy throwing Molotov cocktails and neutralize him 

The soldiers neutralized the Palestinian who threw Molotov cocktails between Anata and Pisgat Ze'ev.

Avi Nachmani | 14.08.24

2 Suspects Arrested in Jerusalem

With a kippah and a knife: detectives arrested 2 suspects near a synagogue

The police detectives in Jerusalem arrested two suspects, residents of East Jerusalem, near a synagogue in Pisgat Ze'ev. One of them was found in possession of a knife, a kippah, and a Star of David necklace

JFeed | 08.10.23

Murder In Jerusalem

Murder in Jerusalem: a young man was stabbed to death in Pisgat Ze'ev

Two brothers, including a minor, were arrested on suspicion of murdering a young man in the 30s in the Pisgat Ze'ev neighborhood in the north of Jerusalem. The background to the incident is apparently criminal

JFeed | 30.09.23

New Lanes To Jerusalem

Good news for the residents of Binyamin: new lanes at the entrance to Jerusalem

In the Binyamin Council, two new lanes were opened for vehicles coming from the council's settlements towards Pisgat Ze'ev to the Hizma checkpoint. Soon a lane will open in the opposite direction for those leaving Pisgat Ze'ev towards Almon

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 19.09.23