News 13

Among the Murdered
Six family members of Doron Almog were murdered

The head of the Jewish Agency, Major General Doron Almog, revealed in an interview with Channel 13 that six members of his family were killed in Kfar Gaza. "The mourning and the pain are terrible," he said

JFeed | 09.10.23


News 13 reporter comes to the defense of the religious MK's wife: "disgusted"

News 13 correspondent, Moriah Asraf Wolberg, defends the wife of Knesset member Zvi Sukkot, who was attacked because of the head covering she wears

JFeed | 02.10.23

A Blow to the Protest

A blow to the protest against the Yom Kippur prayer

A new survey published this evening reveals that over 60% of Israeli citizens disapprove of the protest that took place last night against the Yom Kippur prayer in Tel Aviv. Additionally, 49% responded that they support separation in public spaces

JFeed | 26.09.23

A Religious Journalist was Attacked

The religious journalist was attacked: "They thought I was from Channel 14"

News 13 journalist Meir Marziano was attacked during coverage of the left-wing protest against judicial reform in Tel Aviv. He said, "Because I wear a kippah, an aggressive and rude individual assumed I am from Channel 14 and began assaulting both the crew and myself"

JFeed | 03.08.23