Moshe Arbel

Israel-Gaza War, Bedouin
Bedouin who saved soldiers' lives on October 7 made permanent resident

Interior Minister Moshe Arbel decided to Hamid Abu Arar, a resident of Aroer who saved the lives of 45 soldiers on October 7. "Your actions touched all our hearts."

Oz Israel Schwartz, JFeed Staff | 21.02.24

Israel-Gaza War, UN

Israel Bans UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories From Entering the Country

The ban on Francesca Albanese, imposed by the Foreign Ministry and the Interior Ministry, comes after her comments on October 7 as being due to oppression, not antisemitism.

Avi Woolf | 12.02.24

Israel-Gaza War, Charedim, Interior Ministry

Interior Minister Moshe Arbel To Assist Netzach Yehudah Association, Which Works to Recuit Charedim

With the uproar over the draft exemption for Charedi yeshivah students, Interior Minister Arbel sent a letter to the Netzach Yehudah association saying "we will help with everything you need."

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 09.02.24

Interior Ministry, Bureaucracy

New Law Proposal for Renewing IDs and Passports Online Without Leaving Home

The dislocations of the war and the shuttering of a number of Population Registry offices has led the Interior Ministry to temporarily make it possible to renew IDs and passports without leaving home - with a few conditions.

Avi Woolf | 28.01.24

Residency Revoked 

Minister Arbel Revoked the Residency of a Senior Hamas Official in Jerusalem

Interior Minister Moshe Arbel informed the Attorney General that he decided to revoke the permanent residency license due to breach of trust for the Hamas terrorist Majed Rajab Asur Joeva.

JFeed Staff | 25.12.23

Local Authority Elections

In Shadow of Criticism: This is How the Fighters in Gaza will Vote in the Local Authority Elections

In the shadow of criticism for not postponing the local authority elections to be held next month, Minister Moshe Arbel explained his decision and clarified: there will be ballot boxes in Gaza.

JFeed Staff | 12.12.23

Israel-Gaza War, Local Elections

FM Smotrich to Interior Minister Arbel: Delay the Elections, the People are In the Reserves

Finance Minister and Religious Zionism party Chairman Betzalel Smotrich appealed to Interior Minister Moshe Arbel to delay the date for local elections due to many citizens being in the army.

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 06.12.23

Local Authority Elections

They will not be Postponed Again: this is the Date of the Local Authority Elections

Interior Minister Moshe Arbel announced that the elections for local authorities will be held in most of the country on January 30, except in the settlements that were evacuated due to the war - where the elections will be held 5 months after the return of the residents.

JFeed Staff | 04.12.23

Removal of Civil Status

The Minister of the Interior Announced: Denial of Status to Terrorists in Prison

Interior Minister Moshe Arbel informed two terrorists, held in an Israeli prison for terrorist acts, that he intends to start an immediate procedure to remove their civil status in Israel.

| Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 16.11.23

Israel-Gaza War

Interior Minister Arbel: Examine Revoking Citizenship for Terror-Supporting Actress

In an unusual step, Minister Arbel asked the Population and Immigration Authority to consider revoking Maisa Abd Elhadi's citizenship for inciting to terrorism and mocking a hostage.

| Simcha Raz, JFeed Staff | 29.10.23


A Terrorist Was Sent to Hadassah Hospital for Treatment, and Refused

The hospital clarified: "We have not treated and are not treating terrorists from the Swords of Iron War."

JFeed | 17.10.23

A Special Grant

Smotrich: A Special Grant for Residents of the Gaza Strip Envelope

The minister announced a special grant to the Gaza envelope regional authorities in the total amount of 30 million shekels and an additional grant that will be given individually to every resident who was evacuated, with 1,000 shekels per person, up to 5,000 shekels per family.

JFeed | 12.10.23

"Uphold the Ruling of the Legal Advisor"

Minister Arbel: "Uphold the ruling of the Legal Advisor regarding the separation"

Amid the controversies surrounding the events involving gender separation, the Minister of Health turns to the mayors: Allow events with separation according to the ruling of the Legal Advisor

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 01.10.23

History: Moshe Arbel will Speak at the UN

History at the UN: An ultra-Orthodox minister will speak at the General Assembly

Minister of Health and Interior Moshe Arbel will speak at the UN General Assembly. During the visit, Israel and the Kingdom of Morocco will submit a proposal to deal with the prevention of epidemics. Arbel is also expected to hold meetings with his counterparts from the United States and the United Kingdom

Bentzi Rubin, Liran Vainshtain, JFeed | 19.09.23

"She and her Family Gave a Lot"

Moshe Arbel on the legal advisor: Do you know who she is married to?

Minister Moshe Arbel criticizes the way in which the legal reform was promoted, and does not accept the Likud members' attacks on the legal advisor to the government: "She and her family gave a lot for Israel's security"

JFeed | 29.08.23

Smotrich will Transfer the Money

Arbel intervened - Smotrich will transfer money to the Arab authorities

After Finance Minister Smotrich refused to transfer funds intended for the Arab authorities, Interior Minister Moshe Arbel intervened and the money will be transferred through the Ministry of the Interior

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 28.08.23

Shaked Mocks Smotrich

Ayelet Shaked mocks: "Smotrich gave in like a good little boy"

Ayelet Shaked refers to the decision to transfer funds to the Arab authorities despite the opposition of Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, and says that "Smotrich gave in like a good little boy"

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 28.08.23

Arbel: "Include the Shabak"

Arbel to the Prime Minister: Include the General Security Service in the investigation of the murder in the Arab sector

The Minister of the Interior is urging the Prime Minister to convene an emergency discussion and to involve the Shabak in the investigation of the murder of the CEO of Tira Municipality, following the wave of crime and murders in the Arab sector

JFeed | 22.08.23

Arbel Responds to the Attackers

Arbel responds to the threat: We will not give in to attacks on the health system

Health Minister Moshe Arbel responded to the hackers' threat to publish personal information about patients at Ma'ayaney HaYeshua Medical Center, clarifying that "there is no room for surrendering to blackmail and threats from cyber attackers. We must stand up for the right to protect the privacy of every patient"

JFeed | 16.08.23

Israel's Separate Beaches

Take a trip: the list of the separate beaches in the country has been published

The list of the separate beaches scattered throughout the country has been published, on the occasion of the "in-between times" vacation and the summer vacation. Additionally, it was decided to open another separate beach at the Sea of Galilee

JFeed | 31.07.23