Legal Reform

Israel-Gaza War, Settlements
Religious Zionist Journalist Criticizes "Back to Gaza" Conference

Kann News legal reporter Avishai Grinzaig said that although he identified with most of the views expressed at the "Back to Gaza" conference, he also felt revulsion at the very conference itself and its timing.

Avi Woolf | 29.01.24

"We have One Goal"

Gantz: "Not Days for Political Confrontation, We have One Goal"

Minister Benny Gantz referred to the ruling of the High Court according to which the law will be repealed to reduce the Clause of Reasonableness: "These are not days for political arguments, after the war we will be required to enact a law that will anchor the status of the fundamental laws."

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 01.01.24

Israel-Gaza War, Supreme Court

Supreme Court Strikes Down Basic Law Amendment on Reasonableness

The ruling, whose draft was leaked last week to journalist Amit Segal, was rushed through so the narrow majority in favor of striking down the amendment would still be in place.

Avi Woolf | 01.01.24

Israel-Gaza War

Sarah Netanyahu's Chief of Staff to be Tried by Disciplinary Court

The decision comes due to Sarah Netanyahu's Chief of Staff Tzipi Navon ostensibly blaming the left for the Simchat Torah Massacre

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 26.10.23

The Likud Center will Convene

Unilateral legislation? The Likud Center will convene for a special discussion

The Likud Party's court ruled that the party's center will vote in favor of promoting the judicial reform. The Likud's Dror Forum, which promoted the gathering of the party's center, sent a hint to several Knesset members: "Seats were not given as a work arrangement"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 27.09.23

"The Reform is Alive"

Boaz Bismuth: "Netanyahu's clarification was completely unnecessary"

MK Boaz Bismuth clarifies in an interview with Srugim that the legal legislation will continue, even without agreement with the opposition: "The reform is alive, and its purpose is to balance between authorities"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 19.09.23

Lapid: "A National Responsibility"

Lapid in reference to a compromise: "We have a national responsibility"

Yair Lapid addressed in his speech at the annual Social Justice Conference of the Centers for Justice when he said, "Unlike the Prime Minister and his ministers, we have a national responsibility for the fate of this country"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 10.09.23

"Rule of Reason"

The High Court ruled: the discussion on the cancellation of the reasonableness ground will not be postponed

The High Court rejected the government's request to postpone the date of the hearing on the petitions against the law to cancel the reason of reasonableness, and clarified that the hearing will take place as planned next Tuesday

JFeed | 05.09.23

Herzog: "We've Had Enough"

Herzog: "Reality requires reaching agreements"

During his visit to Austria, President Yitzhak Herzog referred to efforts to reach a compromise between the coalition and the opposition regarding the judicial reform, saying, "He calls on the leaders to take responsibility so that this crisis will pass from the world"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 05.09.23

Legal Drama

The Attorney General: The reduction of the Clause of Reasonability should be disqualified

Towards a legal drama: Gali Baharav-Miara publishes her position regarding the Clause of Reasonability and claims that it should be repealed: "a fatal injury to the foundations of the regime"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 03.09.23

Levin's Demand was Accepted

The demand was accepted; Yariv Levin will receive independent representation before the High Court

The Minister of Justice demanded, the legal adviser to the government confirmed: in the hearing of the petition on the question of convening the committee for the selection of judges, Yariv Levin will be able to receive separate representation in order to assert his position

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 03.09.23

Busy Month at the High Court

Towards a constitutional crisis? Towards a busy month with petitions to the High Court against the government

In the coming weeks, precedent hearings will be held in the Supreme Court on petitions against the Knesset and the government, with decisions that may lead to a constitutional crisis | The full schedule

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 03.09.23

Fitch Explains

Fitch explained: This is the reason we did not lower Israel's credit rating

Cedric Berry, the analyst responsible for Israel at the credit rating agency Fitch, explained in an interview with Bloomberg why the agency did not downgrade Israel's credit rating. According to him, "a very strong and destructive reform would be required to cause a significant amount of damage"

Yehuda Klein, Srugim News | 22.08.23

Police Volunteers

The police clarifies: "The volunteers are not allowed to express a political opinion"

The police clarified its position on political expressions by volunteers during their duty: "As citizens, they are not restricted and are entitled to express their opinion; however, upon assuming their duties, they are prohibited from presenting their political views"

JFeed | 13.08.23

Yesh Atid Petitions Against the Legal Reform

Yesh Atid petitions against the Basic Law: "There was no proper procedure"

The "Yesh Atid" party is filed an appeal to the Supreme Court against the reduction of The Clause of Reasonability: "In the text of the law, not a single comment from the Members of Knesset was included. It seems that a deliberate intent prevented a thorough, comprehensive, and substantive work process"

Bentzi Rubin, Srugim News | 02.08.23

Lapid's Response to the Likud

Lapid responds to Likud: "A threatening letter was sent to the court"

Opposition leader Yair Lapid responded to Likud's announcement about the expected hearing at the High Court regarding the reduction of The Clause of Reasonability, and claimed that "the threat letter was clear: basic laws have never been rejected by the court, so don't even try to touch them now"

JFeed | 01.08.23