Judea and Samaria Council

West Bank, Settlements, Politics, IDF
Outgoing IDF West Bank Chief Yehuda Fox and West Bank settlement leaders trade barbs

Avi Bluth will assume command in Fox's place; he pledges a zero tolerance policy for violence of any kind.

Gila Isaacson | 09.07.24

Yesha Council's Struggle

Yesha Council Initiates a Struggle: "No Budget without Security"

Against the background of the cuts in the security budget for the settlements, the Yesha Council is initiating a struggle. Ne'eman: "This is a badge of shame for the Israeli government that we have to beg for emergency and security budgets while our settlements are threatened."

JFeed Staff | 10.01.24

Settler Violence, Opinion

Don't Be Fooled by the "Settler Violence" Scare

Contrary to a well-orchestrated campaign, what little violence is being committed by a fringe of settlers is either down or about the same. Terrorism, meanwhile, is on the rise everywhere.

Josh Hasten | 26.12.23

"We will not Forgive You"

Settlement Leaders in Judea and Samaria Oppose the Government: "We will not Forgive You"

The heads of the authorities in Judea and Samaria in a sharp letter to the government ministers, after the decision not to approve the defense budget: "You have abandoned over half a million residents of Judea and Samaria."

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 24.12.23


Palestinians came to interfere with a tour of the Judea and Samaria Council. Watch

The Palestinians arrived to disrupt a tour by the Judea and Samaria Council in East Gush Etzion, aimed at showing journalists the extent of their unauthorized construction and the destruction of the nature reserve in Area B. Watch the commotion

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 07.09.23

Yesha Council Relates to Today's Attack

Head of the Judea and Samaria Council: "We demand that the government change course"

Judea and Samaria Council Chairman Shlomo Neeman responded to the shooting attack in the south of Har Hevron and called on the government to "change course and act with all the means at their disposal to damage the terrorist infrastructure and the terrorist authority"

JFeed | 21.08.23