John Kirby

US-Israel Relations, Israel-Gaza War
US: Israel has to "change the way" its fighting in Gaza

The US National Security Council spokesman told ABC's "This Week" that the IDF needs to make "deconfliction changes" so that civilians and aid workers are left unharmed.

gila isaacson, JFeed Staff | 08.04.24

Jordan, US Army, ISIS

Where is Tower 22, Site of Deadly Drone Attack on US Soldiers?

The site, located near the Syrian and Iraqi border, serves as an outpost for US troops to observe and infiltrate Syria when needed ever since 2015.

Avi Woolf | 29.01.24

Iran, Israel-Gaza War, US Army

Kirby: US Planning "Very Consequential" Response to Drone Attack Killing US Soldiers

The Spokesperson for the National Security Council told CNN that the US was planning a serious response to the drone strike killing US soldiers yesterday, though he added they don't want war with Iran.

Avi Woolf | 29.01.24

Israel-Saudi Relations

US: Israel-Saudi Normalization Still Possible

National Security Council Spokesperson John Kirby said that the United States still believes is that normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia is "still possible."

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 22.01.24

"We Did Not Approve"

The White House: "We did not Approve the Raid on Shifa Hospital"

The spokesman for the National Security Council in the White House said that the US did not approve the IDF's raid on the Shifa Hospital: "These are operational plans of the Israeli army." He also attacked Hamas: "They violate the laws of war when they place headquarters in hospitals."

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 15.11.23

Israel-Gaza War, "A War Crime"

The White House: "Hamas is Holding Hostages in Gaza Hospitals"

The White House confirmed that the US has intelligence that the terrorists of Hamas and Islamic Jihad used the hospitals in Gaza "to hide their operations and hold hostages. The way Hamas used Shifa is a war crime."

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 14.11.23