
Judea and Samaria, Terrorism
Terrorist neutralized after firing on Jewish Hebron

The IDF reported that a terrorist fired on the Jewish part of Hebron earlier today. The terrorist was neutralized and sweeps for additional terrorists are being conducted.

Avi Woolf | 16.03.24

Ramadan, Hebron

IDF soldiers told to "eat as little as possible", "show sensitivity towards Arabs' religious beliefs" during Ramadan

In the midst of the war in Gaza, the IDF issued a series of instructions to soldiers stationed in Hebron: "Avoid roadblocks, contain fireworks, and preserve sensitivity toward Arabs' religious beliefs."

Eliyahu Luksenberg, JFeed | 15.03.24

Israel At War

The IDF Operates in Jenin for More Than 30 hours, 6 Terrorists Eliminated

In a joint operation lasting more than 30 hours, the IDF, the Shin Bet and the Border Police in Jenin. The forces searched over 400 buildings, detained suspects, confiscated weapons, ammunition, and destroyed many terrorist infrastructures. Palestinians report 6 deaths.

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 13.12.23

Israel At War

An Attack Attempt Near Hebron Was Foiled, Two Terrorists Were Killed

An attempted terrorist attack, took place near Hebron when a terrorist fired at IDF forces, who returned fire and neutralized him. 2 terrorists were killed - the driver and the shooter. No casualties were reported to the forces.

JFeed | 17.11.23

Israel - Hamas War

Among the Terrorists in the Attack: The Son of the Leader of the Hamas Army in Hebron

The Shin Bet published the identity of the terrorists who carried out the shooting attack at the Tunnels Barrier, among them the son of Abdullah Qawasma, the head of the military wing of Hamas in Hebron who was eliminated in 2003.

JFeed | 16.11.23

Israel-Gaza War

Report: Terrorist Murderer of Father and Son at Huwara Eliminated

The terrorist was among the many killed and captured during IDF operations in Jenin.

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 22.10.23

Security Forces Operated Last Night

13 wanted persons were arrested in Judea and Samaria, weapons were confiscated in Hebron

IDF forces have arrested 13 wanted individuals throughout Judea and Samaria, and they have also confiscated firearms, ammunition, and combat equipment. At the same time, four workshops for the production of weapons were targeted in a special operation in Hebron

JFeed | 27.09.23

The IDF has Mapped the Terrorists' Homes

The IDF has mapped the homes of the terrorists from the attack on Har Hevron

Two days after the attack in the southern Har Hevron: the IDF mapped the homes of the two terrorists who carried out the shooting attack in which Bat-Sheva Nagari, HY"D, was murdered

Eliyau Luksenberg, Srugim News | 23.08.23

A Soldier Heard the Shooting

Investigation of the attack: A soldier heard the shooting but did not recognize the attack

The investigation of the attack in Hebron reveals that the terrorists' vehicle bypassed the Israeli car and fired a long burst towards it. Afterwards, the terrorists fled to Hebron. A soldier in close proximity heard the gunfire but did not identify it as an attack

Arye Yoeli, Srugim News | 21.08.23