
Israel-Hamas war, Anti-Israel, Spain
Spain goes against Israel, joins ICJ 

Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez has taken a major stance against Israel, by supporting the ICJ and South Africa in their 'Genocide' allegations against Israel.

Eliana Fleming | 02.07.24

Hostages, Rwanda

"We want them to return": President Herzog gives Rwandan President Kagame the hostages' disc

In a speech he gave for the 30th anniversary of the Rwandan Genocide, he said "The world must not allow the politicisation of genocide, it must not allow the belittling of the horror of such crimes."

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 07.04.24

Israel At War, Hague

Watch the Debate: South Africa vs. Israel at the Hague Tribunal

The Hague Court of Justice holds the first hearing on South Africa's claims against Israel for committing "Genocide" in the Gaza Strip.

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 11.01.24

Israel - Gaza War, Netanyahu 

Netanyahu Assures the World: "We Will Not Expel Gaza Residents"

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a video last night, a day before the lawsuit against Israel in The Hague begins, in which he says: "We will not permanently occupy Gaza, and we will not uproot the population."

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 11.01.24

Aharon Barak Appointed

Appeal to Foreign Judge and Recommendation of Attorney General: Behind Appointment of Barak

The President of the Supreme Court was appointed to be the judge on behalf of Israel in the expected hearing of South Africa's claim that Israel is committing "genocide". The appointment came from the recommendation of the Attorney General and the consent of the Prime Minister.

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 07.01.24

Israel-Gaza War, International Law

International War Law: A Scholar's Clarification of Terms

International Relations Professor Yuan Yi Zhu provides much needed clarity regarding the oft-abused concept of "international law" and its offshoots.

Avi Woolf | 24.12.23


Harvard President: "Jewish Genocide" does not Violate any Rules

The network is in turmoil around a discussion that dealt with anti-Semitism in the American Congress. The presidents of Harvard, Pennsylvania and MIT universities refused to answer yes to the question of whether calls for "genocide against the Jews" violate the rules of the institutions.

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 06.12.23