
Child abuse, kindergarten Eilat
Exclusive update on 'kindergarten of horrors' in Eilat, awful details exposed

Mako news delivers an exclusive update in their report on the horrific Eilat Kindergarten case where children were abused by the owner.

Eliana Fleming | 01.07.24

Israel-Gaza War, Iraq

Drone launched from Iraq lands near Eilat

The drone was launched by pro-Iran Iraqi militias; the IDF said it never crossed into Israeli territory.

Avi Woolf | 26.06.24


IDF intercepts missile fired from Red Sea area

The missile was intercepted in the Eilat area and show down without causing casualties.

Avi Woolf | 03.06.24

Israel-Gaza War

IDF intercepts two drones headed towards Eilat

According to the IDF, the drones never crossed into Israeli territory. No casualties were reported.

Avi Woolf | 28.05.24

Houthi Attack

Another UAV attack near Eilat: Hostile aircraft shot down near the border

A hostile aircraft was shot down near Ramon Airport about 200 meters from the Jordanian border. No injuries or damage were reported and details of the incident are being investigated.

JFeed Staff | 02.04.24

Israel-Gaza War, Iraq

Released for publication: drone launched from Iraq strikes Eilat building

A hostile aircraft launched from Iran managed to penetrate Israel's air defenses and cause light damage to a structure. No casualties were reported.

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 01.04.24

IDF, Houthis

IDF admits cruise missile caused explosion in Eilat area

Two days after the explosion in the Eilat area, the IDF confirmed it to be a cruise missile, which was tracked but which did not trigger a siren. The missile was probably fired by the Iran-backed Houthi rebels.

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 19.03.24

Bathing Warning

The Ministry of Health Warns Against Bathing in the Beaches of Eilat

Due to the stormy weather and due to the fear of polluted drainage flowing into the sea, the Ministry of Health warns against bathing on the beaches of Eilat.

JFeed Staff | 11.12.23

Israel-Gaza War, Houthis, Eilat

Sirens Heard in Eilat; Arrow System Intercepts Missile

Sirens were heard in Eilat, as the Arrow defense system intercepted a missile fired towards the city. Magen David Adom said no reports of hits or casualties have been received.

JFeed Staff | 06.12.23

Israel-Gaza War, Yemen, Houthis

Cruise Missile Fired From Yemen Towards Israel and Intercepted

A Red Color siren was sounded in Eilat. The IDF confirmed that this was due to a cruise missile fired from Yemen towards Israel, intercepted before entering Israeli territory.

JFeed | 22.11.23

Israel-Gaza War, Alarms in Eilat

Alarms Sounded in Eilat: A Missile Fired at Israel was Intercepted

A few hours after a drone hit a school in Eilat, alarms sounded in the city and MDA teams went out to search scenes where falls were reported. At this stage, no injuries were reported.

JFeed | 09.11.23

Israel-Gaza War

Powerful Explosion Heard in Eilat

Initial assessments point to an IDF drone having crashed. Medics and paramedics are treating 7 anxiety cases, no reports of physical injuries.

JFeed | 09.11.23

A Rocket Towards Eilat

Unusual Shooting from Gaza: Hamas Launched a Rocket Towards Eilat

Sirens were heard in the Arava settlements after Hamas claimed to have launched an "Ayyash" rocket towards Eilat. The IDF spokesperson stated that the launch was intercepted by the "Arrow" system.

JFeed | 04.11.23

Missile Ships

After the Shooting from Yemen: Israel Sent Missile Ships to the Red Sea

Following missile strikes towards Eilat from the direction of Yemen, Israel deployed missile boats to the Red Sea. Air raid sirens were activated in Eilat last night for added security, as the aerial attack from Yemen was relatively distant from the city.

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 01.11.23

Israel-Gaza War

Houthis in Yemen: "We are joining the war against Israel"

The Houthis took responsibility for the cruise missile fired from the Red Sea: "We will continue strikes until the end of Israeli aggression."

JFeed | 31.10.23

Hostile Aircraft Intercepted

A Hostile Aircraft Launched from Yemen was Intercepted in the Eilat Area

A Red Alert siren was heard in the city of Eilat and its surroundings due to suspicion of the infiltration of hostile aircraft. According to the IDF, it was intercepted outside of Israeli territory, most likely being launched by the Houthi rebels from Yemen.

JFeed | 31.10.23

The Detainee in the Sinai was Released

Exodus: The young man arrested in Sinai was released

The Israeli who was arrested yesterday in Sinai after wrapping himself in the Chabad flag and getting into a confrontation with residents was released and crossed the border back to Eilat

JFeed | 21.08.23