
Stop the Invasion
Stop the Invasion, or we will all Become the Gaza Strip Envelope

Simultaneously with Hezbollah and Hamas gaining strength, a Palestinian plan is being woven to conquer Judea and Samaria through land theft. On the day of reckoning, it will turn into a ring of fire as we experienced in the Gaza Strip. We must stop the invasion in the heart of the country.

Gideon Margalit | 22.10.23

A Vehicle Overturned

Trapped in a car rollover in Gush Etzion; Watch the footage from the scene

A short time ago, a report was received about a vehicle that overturned near the settlement of Efrat in Gush Etzion. Rescue forces were called to the scene and rescued two civilians who were evacuated for medical treatment

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 11.09.23

"Listen to The Chief of Staff's Call"

Head of Efrat Local Council: "Listen to the Chief of Staff's call"

The head of the Efrat Local Council, Oded Revivi, calls for standing shoulder to shoulder with the Chief of Staff and strengthening the army. According to him: "The IDF is the unifying and connecting force, it is important to preserve, strengthen and strengthen the people's army in these days."

JFeed | 06.09.23

Commemorating Bat-Sheva

"Bat-Sheva was a kindergarten teacher full of heartfelt generosity, dedicated and embracing"

"Bat-Sheva Nagari was murdered in the terrorist attack in Har Hevron. The supervisor of the kindergartens in Efrat said goodbye: 'Every time I entered her kindergarten, she greeted me with a bright smile, in recognition of the good'"

JFeed | 21.08.23