
Israel - Gaza War
Gazans Demonstrate for the Release of the Hostages | Watch:

Residents of Gaza were documented today as they demonstrated for the release of captives. During the protest, they raised flags and called for the release of the hostages so they could return home. Watch:

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 24.01.24

'The Patriots'

Yinon Magal was unable to continue the broadcast. View the documentation

Demonstrators against the legal reform came to the Sukkah studio of Channel 14 this evening, and interrupted the broadcast of the program 'The Patriots': "It was impossible to continue the broadcast"

JFeed | 02.10.23

Netanyahu At Neve Ativ

The protesters also waited: the Netanyahu couple arrived at Neve Ativ

Prime Minister Netanyahu and his wife began their vacation in Neve Ativ in the north of the country when, again this time, protesters arrived near the hotel. The police are preparing for the possibility of a riot

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 02.10.23

"I Joined the One who Killed my Husband?"

Widow from Operation Protective Edge against Netanyahu: I joined the one who killed my husband?

Michal Kastan Keder, the widow of Lieutenant Colonel Dolev Keder, z"l, who fell during Operation Protective Edge, responded to Netanyahu's statement, saying that the protesters against him are connecting with the PLO and Iran

JFeed | 19.09.23

A Car Ran Over Protesters

Watch the documentation: A car ran over protesters in Ayalon

From the documentation of the event it appears that protesters blocked Ayalon and provoked the anger of the drivers. One of them tried to escape from the demonstration and ran over several demonstrators who fell on the road, but it does not appear that they were harmed

JFeed | 09.09.23