
Israel - Gaza War
Gazans Demonstrate for the Release of the Hostages | Watch:

Residents of Gaza were documented today as they demonstrated for the release of captives. During the protest, they raised flags and called for the release of the hostages so they could return home. Watch:

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 24.01.24

Anti-Semitism, Suspect

Report: The Suspect Who Beat a Protester to Death - a 50-Year-Old Professor from California

This week, Paul Kessler, a 69-year-old Jew, was pronounced dead, beaten by a pro-Palestinian activist with a megaphone to death. It is now being reported that the suspect in the murder is a 50-year-old professor from California.

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 09.11.23

A Religious Journalist was Attacked

The religious journalist was attacked: "They thought I was from Channel 14"

News 13 journalist Meir Marziano was attacked during coverage of the left-wing protest against judicial reform in Tel Aviv. He said, "Because I wear a kippah, an aggressive and rude individual assumed I am from Channel 14 and began assaulting both the crew and myself"

JFeed | 03.08.23

Har Hamor Yeshiva: "Not at our school"

Clashes at the Har Hamor yeshiva: "Not at our school"

Left-wing activists arrived this morning at the Har Hamor yeshiva to demonstrate in front of an education conference held at Rabbi Zvi Tao's yeshiva: "The religious - ideological engine of the regime coup"

Guy Ezra, Srugim News | 30.07.23