Binyamin Council

Terror Attack 
For the 3rd time in 3 days: Car bomb threat in the West Bank

Security forces successfully defused potential car bomb at settlement entrance, marking the third such incident in three days. Officials call for expanded military operations in response to escalating threat.

| Gila Isaacson | 02.09.24

Where is Smotrich?

Where is Smotrich? The destruction in the hills is expected to expand

The campaign of destruction in the Binyamin Hills is expected to expand in the coming weeks due to the policy led by the Civil Administration. The forces rush to destroy all the new hills before 90 days have passed since the construction of the buildings.

Eliyau Luksenberg, JFeed | 28.09.23

The Traffic Problem in Binyamin

Gallant: "We are committed to solving the traffic problem in Binyamin"

The Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallant, visited the Western Binyamin region to examine temporary solutions to ease traffic until the completion of the expansion of the main road. It was also promised that the opening of the expanded parking lot will gradually begin in about a month

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 27.09.23

On Smotrich And Ben Gvir's Watch

On Smotrich and Ben Gvir's watch: the destruction in Binyamin continues

The destruction campaign by the security forces in the hills around Binyamin continues. Many police forces raided Giva't Or Meir near Ofra and began demolishing the buildings there. Ministers Smotrich and Ben-Gvir have yet to comment on the evacuation

Eliyau Luksenberg, JFeed | 27.09.23

Evacuation And Destruction

Evacuation and destruction in Giv'at Sde Yonatan in Binyamin

Dozens of police officers and Civil Administration inspectors raided Sde Yonatan Hill in Binyamin, near the settlement of Michmash, and began destroying the buildings on the hill and evacuating the place

JFeed | 27.09.23

New Lanes To Jerusalem

Good news for the residents of Binyamin: new lanes at the entrance to Jerusalem

In the Binyamin Council, two new lanes were opened for vehicles coming from the council's settlements towards Pisgat Ze'ev to the Hizma checkpoint. Soon a lane will open in the opposite direction for those leaving Pisgat Ze'ev towards Almon

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 19.09.23

Protests Against Smotrich and Ben Gvir

The rubble of the evacuation was placed in front of the houses of Smotrich and Ben Gvir

Settlement activists set up a protest display with the ruins of the houses of the "Aira Shahar" hill in front of the homes of ministers Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gvir

JFeed | 15.08.23

The Quality of the Public Transportation in Binyamin

Were you stranded at the station? 1 out of every 6 buses didn't operate

Data about the bus company "Electra Afikim" in Binyamin indicates that 17% of bus routes were not operated, leading residents to endure long waits during extreme weather conditions over the summer vacation.

JFeed | 15.08.23