
Get Refusal, Knesset, Sanctions 
Israel strikes back: Financial crackdown on Get refusers

In a landmark decision, the Knesset unleashes a barrage of new sanctions against get refusers, from freezing bank accounts to banning e-bike use. This sweeping legislation is a promising new step in the country's fight to free agunot and has been backed by an unlikely alliance of religious courts and women's rights groups.

Gila Isaacson | 05.08.24

The Bold Halachic Solution

The bold halachic solution of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef ztz"l

Fifty years after the war, the special rabbinical court established under the leadership of the Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, may his memory be blessed, was revealed, along with the bold halakhic solution it found for the difficult crisis

JFeed | 04.10.23

Finally - the Get was Achieved

International manhunt: The divorce refuser was found on the battlefields in Sudan

A Get (Jewish divorce document) was given to a woman, who was refused the divorce by her husband, after he was located in the battlefields of Sudan. The Get was granted after a special scribe allowed his wife's divorce while he was on Ethiopian soil, using technological means

Liran Vainshtain, Srugim News | 02.08.23