Anti-Semitism, Paris Olympics 2024, NBA

Former NBA star objects to Israel's participation in Olympics

In Paris, tensions rose as pro-Palestinian protesters assembled near the Olympic headquarters, advocating for Israel's removal from the competition.

Paris Olympics 2024 (Photo: rarrarorro/ Shutterstock )

With the 2024 Paris Olympic Games on the horizon, controversies stirred after NBA star Tariq Abdul-Wahad commented on Israel’s involvement in the Olympics, according to the Jerusalem Post.

The professional athlete questioned the consistency of the International Olympic Committee's (IOC) global policies, according to a statement reported by Turkish media. As the Paris Olympics quickly approach, tensions rise and have become clear over Israel’s participation. Former NBA player Tariq Abdul-Wahad has made headlines with his off-court attempts to block Israel’s involvement in the competition.

Drawing contrasts to Russia’s pushback in February of 2022, Abdul-Wahad said, “If you want to compete in an international competition that is recognized by international organizations, you have to respect international law.” He added, “Russia did not follow the law. Their athletes got banned. Let’s not be hypocrites here. Let’s treat everybody the same.”


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Sport, Paris Olympics 2024, Israeli athletes

The Israeli athletes to carry the countries flag in the Paris Olympics

"Superior athletes": these are the two flag bearers chosen from the Israeli delegation at the Paris 2024 Games, according to channel 14 news reports. 

Eliana Fleming | 04.07.24

Anti-Semitism, Greece

Seven arrested in Greece for setting fire to synagogue and Israeli-owned hotel.

A 25-year-old Greek woman and three accomplices, including two Iranians and an Afghan were taken into custody.

Avi Nachmani | 04.07.24

Guy Timor, Homicide

Driver who fatally struck Israeli national team cyclist Guy Timor accused of negligent homicide.

The driver, who had previous convictions, drove without a license and under the influence of drugs.

Avi Nachmani | 04.07.24

CNN reporter, Hamas terror

CNN journalist found affiliated with Hamas, promoted terrorism

An investigation by Honest Reporting uncovered that Abdel Qader Sabbah took a photo with a high-ranking Hamas official, worked for a Hamas-affiliated organization, supported terrorists, and spread anti-Israeli messages on social media, all under the CNN's watch. 

Eliana Fleming | 04.07.24

Social Media, Antisemitism, Israel Advocacy

How Israel's Army of Influencers shapes global narrative

Israel's social media influencers are guarding Israel's narrative in a world increasingly shaped by digital discourse 

Gila Isaacson | 04.07.24

Anti-Semitism, increase worldwide

Antisemitism report shows worldwide increase

The Jewish press have gathered data of anti-Semitic incidents from around the world throughout 2024 and the results are shocking. 

Eliana Fleming | 04.07.24

Australia, Israel-Gaza War, Pro-Palestine Protests

Brazen pro-Palestine protesters have breached the Australian Parliament!!! 

Dramatic demonstration raises concerns after activists bypass security.

Gila Isaacson | 04.07.24

Anti-Semitism, Canada, Montreal

Get out of Canada! Anti-Semitic poster targets Montreal Jewish politician

The poster was directed at Jewish Canadian Liberal Member of Parliament Anthony Housefather.

Avi Nachmani | 04.07.24

Anti-Semitism, Italy, Giorgia Meloni

Giorgia Meloni troubled by fascist youth within her ranks

The Italian Prime Minister is doing everything to disconnect her party from its racist and dictatorial roots, but it's not working out too well for her. 

Avi Nachmani | 03.07.24

Antisemitism, France, Macron, Aliyah

Will Macron's support of the Far Left bring 50,000 French Jews to Israel?

French Jews see Macron's support of the far left as a betrayal, and the prospect of Aliyah looks more enticing than ever.

Gila Isaacson | 03.07.24

Anti-Semitism, Seattle

Anti-Israel graffiti labeled 'straightforwardly' antisemitic' by seven museums

Seven Holocaust museums denounce vandalism at fellow museum after police rule out hate crime.

Avi Nachmani | 03.07.24

Anti-Semitism, Australia

Jewish organization in Australia endorses anti-Israel student activism.

The organization states students have the right to protest Israeli 'genocide'.

Avi Nachmani | 02.07.24