Once again, us Jews? We are our own worst enemy!
While there are many beautiful things about the Jewish people, things that transcend generations, there is one thing that always existed and that is truly insane.
I call them “As a Jew” Jews.
You know what I’m talking about.
“As a Jew, I am anti Zionist.”
“As a Jew, I am ashamed of the Israeli government.”
“As a Jew, I don’t celebrate when my enemies suffer.”
The phenomenon existed in every single generation, in every single exile, and this one is no different.
These token Jews are, to me, more dangerous than our actual enemies. Oftentimes, these people know a thing or two about Judaism. Maybe they spent a few years learning in yeshiva. They are very good at taking something written in the Talmud out of context and then using it to paint Judaism as some sadistic evil religion.
I had an old friend who I went to high school with and who came from a long line of rabbis. For years, he spent his days and nights fighting circumcisions by claiming that it is an immoral custom and must be banned.
You have the obvious Neturei Karta psychos who provide endless ammunition for our enemies. We’ve all heard it. “Even your own rabbis are against the existence of the state of Israel.”
Of course, these self-hating Jews represent no one, but themselves.
All else aside, there is a concept in Judaism called Chillul Hashem, desecrating God’s name. Without even getting into the actual issue, these self-hating Jews are a walking chillul Hashem.
Forget them, I want to talk about the last group.
It’s actually amazing. More often than not, these are secular Jews who don’t even identify as Jewish, but somehow they know how to quote the Midrash that says that when the Egyptians were drowning, God said, “My creation is drowning and you’re singing?”
They love quoting that Midrash because it fits perfectly with their agenda to paint Jews as genocidal maniacs who celebrate death.
As usual, like most of the enemies of the Jews, these people have zero knowledge about what they’re saying.
They like to quote that Midrash to prove that Jews should not celebrate victory in war. Of course, they forgot one little detail. God didn’t say that to the nation, he said it to the angels.
The angels, who didn’t suffer at the hands of the Egyptians. He is telling them not to celebrate the death of the Egyptians. After all, the Egyptians are God’s creation and they did nothing to the angels.
So the angels are not supposed to celebrate the death of any of God’s creations. But what about us?
The answer could not possibly be any clearer.
I don’t know about you, but I say the prayer of Az Yashir every day, a prayer in which we sing and rejoice about the death of the evil Egyptians.
I don’t know about you, but in my book of Proverbs (Mishlei), I have the verse of
״באבוד רשעים רמה״
That means that we are absolutely supposed to celebrate and feel joy when evil is eliminated.
Sure, the Jewish people are a compassionate people, but we know what happens when you are compassionate to the evil. You end up being evil to the compassionate.
There is a fine line between compassion and immorality.
To be clear, and so there are no misunderstandings, any innocent death is a tragedy. No one is saying otherwise.
But when a terrorist is eliminated, we are absolutely supposed to rejoice.
There is endless literature about this contradiction between the two verses, one implying that we shouldn’t rejoice when our enemies perish and one that says the exact opposite.
Putting aside that one was said to the angels and not to the people, it’s also worth pointing out that the first verse of not rejoicing when our enemies fall is said in singular.
When your ‘Enemy’ falls.
The second verse that says we should feel joy when evil is eliminated, it is said in plural, “Reshaim”.
Many interpret that to mean that when my personal enemy is harmed, I should feel compassion but when the enemies of the Jewish people are eliminated, we are absolutely supposed to celebrate.
Whatever the case may be, when Israel eliminates terrorists who have, and will continue to kill Jews, there is absolutely zero question that we, as Jews, are supposed to celebrate.
Every time I post a milestone in the war, there is always that one person, who is almost always Jewish who comments or writes to me privately that it is not our way to celebrate death and I should take my post down.
Like I said, these people, even if their messages come from good intentions, are misguided at best. Oftentimes, they’re a lot worse.
So, just to sum it up. In every generation, there were “As a Jew…” Jews. They sided with the enemy, they threw their brothers and sisters under the bus, and they caused the Jewish people endless damage.
The same is true for today.
Nine out of ten times, when I read a deeply anti Jewish tweet, the author is a Jew.
Personally, I think the need of some Jews to do this is much deeper. They mistakenly think that if they side with the enemy, the enemy will like them and not come after them when they get the chance.
If Hitler didn’t disprove that theory, then October 7th surely did.
Jews need to stop apologizing already. It won’t help them and it surely won’t help the Jewish people.
Stop being an “As a Jew” Jew!