
Feeling sorry for Hezbollah? Here's why you shouldn't

Actions have consequences. And although Israel might be patient, it is creative and ingenious against its enemies. 

Majdal Shams, after 12 of its children were murdered by Hezbollah (Photo by Michael Giladi/Flash90     )

I don’t know about you, but since I saw the images of bloodied patients and overwhelmed hospitals responding to yesterday’s mass casualty event in Lebanon, I have been feeling uneasy. And it’s not just because I am worried this will lead to a full-scale war with Hezbollah, which would no doubt be devastating. 

But then I got to thinking about who Hezbollah is and what they have done.

So – who is Hezbollah?

Hezbollah was created in 1982, and has since transitioned from a militia to a hybrid political-military entity. It despises Israel and plots its demise. It carries out terror attacks and denies it was ever involved. It is the epitome of everything evil and vicious.

In 1994, Hezbollah carried out the suicide truck bombing of the AMIA Jewish community centre in Buenos Aires, killing 85 and wounding 300 people. 

Eighteen years later, the group struck again, this time blowing up a busload of Israeli tourists at the airport in Burgas, Bulgaria, killing seven and wounding 32 others.

In fact, until 9/11, Hezbollah was responsible for more American deaths than any terror organization in the world.

For the last eleven months, America and other countries have tried desperately to stop Hezbollah from its never-ending rocket launches towards Israel.

It keeps claiming it doesn't want a regional war, but then it commits atrocities. And while it may claim it always targets military personnel and bases, that’s simply not true. 

Remember Majdal Shams? When it murdered 12 innocent Druze children who were playing soccer on a Saturday afternoon? Hezbollah knew exactly what it was targeting, and it didn’t care. 

And then the Israeli couple who were blown up by a Hezbollah rocket in their car?

And the 60,000 Israelis who had to pack up and leave their homes and are still displaced because of Hezbollah’s endless rocket attacks?

So before you feel sorry for them, just remember who Israel is dealing with– and that evil cannot be allowed to trump the forces of good and peace.


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I don't think anyone outside of open supporters of Jew murder feel sympathy.
The Jewish Patriarch 18.09.24
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