Israeli author and journalist Ben-Dror Yemini writes his opinion piece on President Biden withdrawing from the 2024 US Presidential race.
His decision to withdraw from the presidential race underscores his sense of responsibility, both nationally and within his party. Biden initially sought candidacy believing in his ability to serve the United States, facing challenges posed not just by Donald Trump but by broader perceived threats from the Republican candidate. Ultimately, prioritizing the country and party's welfare, he stepped aside for Kamala Harris, displaying profound responsibility, Yemini writes on Ynet news.
A steadfast supporter of Israel, Biden remains perhaps the only recent president to openly identify as a Zionist, a stance he reaffirmed less than a week ago, despite the term's controversial connotations in progressive and Democratic circles. Criticisms can be levelled against him for recent missteps, but his immediate support for Israel after October 7, including an unprecedented airlift of armaments, underscores his commitment. Biden has been a principled advocate, genuinely concerned about the welfare of Israelis. As his term nears its end, he deserves recognition and gratitude from every Zionist and Israeli patriot.
We are witnessing the conclusion of an era with Biden's impending retirement, marking the departure of the most pro-Israel president from the White House. Biden's efforts to foster a major deal with Saudi Arabia aimed at elevating Israel from diplomatic lows were commendable, despite eventual setbacks. Amidst growing antisemitism within fringe elements of both Democratic and Republican parties, Biden acted as a buffer against these trends. His departure leaves a void that should not be cause for celebration, especially with the unpredictable figure of Trump on the horizon.
With approximately six months remaining in his term, Biden may step down early to pave the way for Harris's presidential candidacy. Nevertheless, it is crucial to acknowledge and appreciate Biden as a true friend of the State of Israel during his tenure.