
The People of Israel Neutralized the Effective Tool of Hamas

Last night, the Israeli public made sure to tell Hamas, "No more." The murderous organization's desire is to see us weakened, and yesterday was a moment of pure courage and understanding, both among Netanyahu's opponents and his supporters.

The abducted captives of Hamas

Last night, Hamas released a video in which three captives are seen sitting in front of the camera, blaming Netanyahu for the current situation. One of them stated, "We know that there was a request for reaching a ceasefire in exchange for the release of all the captives, and you refused! Is it not enough that you abandoned us on October 7th; are you abandoning us now as well?!"

Hamas's goal has been clear from the very beginning. The phrase "psychological terror" has accompanied us well from the start of the war, and Hamas's sole intention is to undermine our morale and harm national spirit.

One of the despicable murderers stated during the interrogations that the divisions and rifts among the different segments of the population in Israel encouraged them to embark on their murderous killing spree. According to his words, it seemed like the military was weakened, and it was a good time to attack Israel.

I'm not getting into the substance of his words right now, as these are matters for which all those responsible for this failure will be held accountable. However, ultimately, just as the divisions encouraged Hamas to act now, they "built" upon the ongoing divisions and incitement that weaken and undermine the people.

However, our people are wiser than any manipulation or other such scheme, and yesterday marked the peak when we made sure to clarify to them: "Not anymore."

Netanyahu's opponents did not fall for Hamas' tricks

With the release of the video, media outlets were cautious not to publish it, and it was also not allowed to be viewed on social media due to the public's behavior. Instead, many made sure to spread the message that it's not recommended to watch the video because they're trying to mess with our minds.

It worked, and it worked big time. Hamas's intention yesterday was to create a burst of immense anger towards Netanyahu and deepen the division, and except for a few individuals, no one collaborated with them. This is not a small achievement because just a few days ago, many criticized Netanyahu for his handling of the security system. This video could have provided fertile ground for further political arguments.

However, even Netanyahu's opponents understood that they would not let any Hamas organization weaken them, not even through the possibility of attacking Netanyahu.

Later in the night, with the release of the soldier Ori Megidish, the joy among the people was so great that instead of one video that could have led to a social division, a full video of the soldier returning home was shared.

Religious and secular, Sephardi and Ashkenazi, young and old took to the streets with one desire - to celebrate and be happy with the return of Megidish home.

The effectiveness of Hamas tools - deleted

Another crucial point regarding the non-distribution of the video last night is the rendering of Hamas' tools ineffective. If such a powerful video, which genuinely tore the heart apart to see those three women sitting and forced to speak from deep pain, was not circulated and didn't achieve its goal, what power will future videos have?!

Kudos to our people that, in moments of crisis, know how to channel their energies towards positive actions and not allow the murderous Hamas organization to influence them.


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