Hate and Love

Hate and Love

When we are at the center and everything is meant to serve us, bitterness will inevitably arise. If we live with dedication to goals higher than ourselves, we will find meaning and strength to love

(Photo by The Sunday Collection: https://www.pexels.com/photo/empty-tables-with-goals-for-the-year-16037850/)

In recent times, the gaps between different groups in Israel have surfaced powerfully. Gaps and differences are legitimate and natural, but what about the intensity of hatred we are seeing? It is unpleasant and undesirable for both the hater and the hated. What causes such hatred?

It is very common today in our culture to say "do whatever is best for you". And really, taking care of ourselves is important. The problem starts when the main thing in life is to serve ourselves. After all, a person's life will never be perfect, nor will it come close to it. Health problems, livelihood problems, problems at home and more. There will always be something we want that we don't have. And if we live with this dissatisfaction for a long time, when our attitude is "the main thing is for me to be well", then we feel we are not fulfilling our purpose.

When we are at the center and everything is meant to serve us, bitterness will inevitably arise. This develops hatred towards those who we chose to blame for our dissatisfaction. We will hate these factors passionately for they appear to be harming us and preventing our life from being what it is meant to be.

On the other hand, if we live with dedication to goals higher than ourselves, we will find meaning in life because it has fundamental value. And if there's a problem, that's fine, we are not the main thing in the universe.

In cultures where "do what's good for you" is practiced, there is more of a tendency to resentment, bitterness and hatred because the world does not really revolve around us.

Life is full of love not when our environment is of an opinion that does not seem to threaten us or when there is full equality in carrying the burden or when we get everything we want. Life is beautiful and full of emotional goodness when we connect with a factor more powerful than us, when we have a mission that is broader than just ourselves. That way we won't sink into bitterness about the things that don't work out for us and we will have the strength to love ourselves and our environment.


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