Saleh al-Arouri Funeral

After Assassination: Senior Hamas Official  Saleh al-Arouri Buried in Lebanon

Two days after the assassination, senior Hamas figure Saleh al-Arouri was buried in Lebanon. Hundreds of terror operatives accompanied his deputy to the burial at a cultivation camp in the country.

The Funeral Procession of Saleh Al-Arouri (Screenshot from video)

The funeral of the senior Hamas official and mastermind of the October 7 massacre, Saleh al-Arouri, who was assassinated yesterday in an apartment in Beirut, took place today (Thursday) in the Shatila refugee camp in Lebanon.

As reported, three days ago, senior Hamas figure Saleh al-Arouri was assassinated in Lebanon. As part of his activity in Hamas, he was in charge of the military wing's operations in Judea and Samaria, and the deputy head of Hamas' political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh. al-Arouri is considered the top strategist of the terror organization.

He was behind the wave of terror in Judea and Samaria in recent years, responsible for planning the abduction of the three teenagers in 2014, an incident that led to the outbreak of Operation Protective Edge.

The day after the assassination, Hamas and Hezbollah announced that they would avenge the operation, with no party currently claiming responsibility for it. However, the expectation is for long-range rocket launches by Hamas operatives from Lebanon in retaliation.


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