Israel At War, Khamenei

Khamenei: "Those Who Will Defeat Israel Are the Arab Residents of Judea and Samaria"

The leader of the Islamic revolution in Iran, Ali Khamenei, marked the West Bank as the weak point of the State of Israel. In meetings with senior officials, he claimed that the West Bank Arabs are the ones who will conquer Israel.

Archive. The leader of the Iranian revolution, Ali Khamenei. (Photo: Mohammad Kassir, Shutterstock)

As part of a series of meetings that Khamenei held together with the leaders of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, about four months before the Shiva attack in October, he stated that an attack on Judea and Samaria is the thing that will overwhelm Israel and bring it to its knees. Also, during these meetings, he called for continued joint and united work of the Palestinian organizations against the State of Israel, as announced in Israel today.

At the meeting held in June, he called on all Muslims to enter a united arena against the State of Israel. "The land of Palestine belongs to all Muslims, and therefore, it is obligatory for all Muslims to enter the arena for its liberation. This is a religious obligation that they must fulfill. In the last war in Gaza, we witnessed the enemy's attempts to sow division and discord among the resistance groups, but their efforts were unsuccessful. By the grace of Allah."

"Therefore, it is necessary to focus even more on unity and coordination and ensure that this right path continues strongly. However, the area that will bring the enemy to its knees is the West Bank, where significant progress has been made so far." Haniyeh's deputy, Saleh al-Arouri, who was killed last Tuesday in the heart of Beirut, after taking part in planning the massacre in the Gaza Envelope, also participated in this meeting.

Khamenei also said similar things during a meeting that was held in those days with the Secretary General of the Islamic Jihad, Ziyad al-Nakhalah, regarding the 'Home and Garden' operation that was held in those days in Jenin. "The Zionist enemy has lost the initiative and is simply reacting to events. This passivity indicates that the resistance movements, including the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, are on the right path and are proceeding wisely. The rising power of the resistance movement in the West Bank is central to bringing the Zionist enemy to its knees and these groups must maintain their current course."

While the State of Israel is still trying to understand Iran's involvement in the Shiva events in October, there are documents according to which the leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ali Khamenei, marked the West Bank as the weak point of the State of Israel.


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