Israel At War

Report: Israel is Considering Deporting Hamas Terrorists Abroad

In the shadow of the ceasefire, Israel and the US discussed the possibility of deporting thousands of terrorists abroad in order to shorten the fighting in Gaza. The parties proposed that a new organization be established in the Strip to be managed by Saudi Arabia and the Emirates.

Hamas terrorists (Photo: Abed Rahim Khatib, Flash90.)

In the background of the continuation of the truce in favor of the release of additional hostages, in recent days Israeli and American officials are discussing the possibility of deporting Hamas terrorists outside the borders of Gaza. The idea came as part of conversations about the day after the fighting in Gaza, it was published (Thursday) in the Wall Street Journal.

The day after - Saudi Arabia and the Emirates will be managing Gaza?

In the talks held by both sides, the possibility of deporting thousands of low-level terrorists was raised in order to shorten the war and ensure that Gaza no longer poses a threat to the territory of the State of Israel. Further to the proposal, there was talk of the possibility of a new organization being established in the Gaza Strip and managed by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The parties point out that they have not yet reached an agreement regarding the decision on the day after the war in the Gaza Strip.

The proposed idea recalls the deportation of the mass murderer and former head of the Palestinian Authority, Yasser Arafat, who left for Tunis after the Lebanon war. A similar case happened in 1992 when Israel deported about 415 Hamas and Islamic Jihad operatives to Lebanon for a period of between one and a half to two years. However, their stay in Lebanon was shortened following the Rabin government's decision, based on the claim that the Clinton administration threatened to vote in favor of imposing sanctions against Israel in the UN Security Council.


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Judea and Samaria, Terrorism

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IDF, Israel-Gaza war, Hamas

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Israel, United States, Israel-Gaza War

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