Israel-Gaza War - The WHO

The World Health Organization Against the IDF's Exposure

The World Health Organization attacks Israel and demands: "stop hostilities", this despite the fact that they watched the videos distributed by the IDF spokesman, in which a tunnel was discovered under the Rantisi hospital, which was used to hold hostages.

World Health Organization (Photo: Shutterstock)

There is no limit to hypocrisy: after the IDF spokesman revealed yesterday (Monday) a tunnel under the Rantisi hospital in Gaza, containing many weapons, baby bottles and diapers that were used by Hamas terrorists to hold hostages - the World Health Organization takes sides and instead of condemning the activities of Hamas who use the sick in the hospital as a human shield, they attack Israel for continuing the fighting.

"The best way to ensure the safety of patients, civilians who are in Shifa hospital in Gaza, is to stop hostilities now. Lives should be saved, not taken," they said.

The findings from Rantisi Hospital (Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)

As a reminder, last night IDF Spokesperson revealed that a hospital shelter built with his assistance was used by Hamas to hold hostages, and now instead of the World Health Organization being shocked by the findings - it accuses Israel of "hostile acts".

Just two days ago, the World Health Organization announced that it had lost contact with some of its contacts at Shifa Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip, and expressed "deep concerns" for the safety of all those trapped there due to the fighting while calling for an immediate ceasefire.

The organization added: "We are very afraid for the safety of the health workers and hundreds of sick and injured patients, including babies and displaced persons who remained inside the hospital."


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