Weapons Licenses

Since the Beginning of the War: 18,000 Applications for Weapons Licenses

Following the high demand for private firearms, the National Security Ministry has initiated an emergency procedure for issuing quick permits. Within a week, 2,286 firearm licenses were issued, along with equipment for civilian defense preparedness.

(Photo: Eyal Margolin, Flash 90)

With the outbreak of the conflict, as the demand for civilian firearms increased, National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir instructed the department responsible for licensing and supervising firearms in the National Security Ministry to go into emergency operation mode. The goal is to enable eligible civilians to carry private firearms. Here are the details:

Since the outbreak of the conflict: approximately 18,023 new requests to carry private firearms have been received, out of which the department issued 1,620 conditional approvals, and 2,286 new licenses were granted.

Additionally, around 26,000 phone inquiries were received. Starting from the beginning of 2023, the National Security Ministry has issued approximately 24,600 licenses for private firearms to civilians. In 2022, 12,897 licenses were issued, and in 2021, only 10,064 licenses were granted.

The Firearms Operations Room will increase by 60 employees, in Sderot citizens are entitled to a license based on place of residence

In order to provide all eligible citizens with the opportunity to carry private firearms, the National Security Ministry will strengthen the Firearms Licensing and Supervision Unit with an additional 60 employees from the ministry and other additional offices. Recognizing the residents of Sderot as eligible license holders in the category of "residents of a qualifying settlement," the National Security Ministry continues to work on facilitating the issuance of licenses to citizens. The change in the distinctions for carrying private firearms came up yesterday (Sunday) for the approval of the National Security Committee in the Knesset. With their approval, the new criteria will take effect.

In parallel, the National Security Ministry is strengthening the preparedness units across the country and has acquired more than 4,000 Sa'ar rifles for them, along with additional protective equipment.

The Minister of National Security noted, "We have worked to strengthen the emergency licensing department, in order to expedite the issuance of licenses to civilians. Firearms save lives, and we are doing everything so that the preparedness units and civilians can defend themselves."


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