15 Rockets Fired from Lebanon

15 rockets were fired from Lebanon: the IDF attacked Hezbollah positions

Sirens were heard in western Galilee settlements in the north, including Shlomi, Matzuva, Bezet, Liman, and Hanita. At this stage, there have been no reports of casualties or injuries. The IDF responded with artillery fire

Archive (photo: Eyal Margolin/Flash 90)

In parallel to Hamas's heavy rocket fire in the south, Red alert sirens were also heard now (Tuesday) in western Galilee settlements in the north, including Shlomi, Matzuva, Bezet, Liman, and Hanita. Subsequently, additional rocket fire was reported towards the north, with sirens heard in the Galilee and Bezet. According to Magen David Adom, at this stage, no reports of casualties or injuries have been received.

The IDF reported that 15 rockets were launched from Lebanese territory. The Air Defense troops successfully intercepted four of them, while ten rockets fell in open areas. In response to the rocket launches from Lebanese territory, the IDF responded with artillery fire.

Furthermore, it is mentioned that IDF tanks attacked two observation posts of the Hezbollah terrorist organization in response to the rocket fire. The statement clarified that "the IDF is monitoring the situation in all sectors and will continue to protect the residents of the State of Israel."

As previously reported, last night there were two instances of rocket fire from Lebanon into Israel, alongside a security incident in which four terrorists crossed the border from Lebanon into Israeli territory near the Admit region. Around 14:00, a red alert siren was heard in the settlements of Ramot Naftali and Yiftah near the northern border. Following the sirens, residents of Kiryat Shmona were instructed to enter protected areas until further notice. Subsequently, it was mentioned that two rocket launches of mortar shells were identified, with one of them landing in Lebanese territory.

Later, at 21:00 in the evening, several rocket launches were identified from Lebanese territory towards Israeli territory. In response, the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) retaliated with artillery fire. There have been no reports of casualties in this incident. Hezbollah claimed responsibility for the rocket fire and stated that it was in response to the deaths of five members of the terrorist organization in an earlier IDF attack.


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