A number of MKs headed this morning to their reserve units to help in the war effort, including:
MK Yitzhak Kroizer, chairman of the Otzma Yehudit Knesset faction and member of the Knesset’s Judicial Selection Committee. Kroizer is a veteran of the Nachal commando unit, and headed out to help his comrades.
MK Moshe Kinley Tur-Paz of the center-left Yesh Atid party shared a photo of himself in uniform, saying “we’re fighting for home.”
MK Moshe Solomon of the Religious Zionist Party also enlisted to help the reserve forces, quoting the verse from Psalms 18:38: “I will pursue my enemy and … I will not return until I have wiped them out,” also saying that he is “enlisting to help the reserve forces.”