The Division Commander Arrived at the Scene

Documentation: The Judea and Samaria division commander arrived at the scene where the terrorists were neutralized

The commander of the Judea and Samaria Division, Lieutenant Colonel Avi Blot, arrived at the scene in Tulkarm where five IDF soldiers from the Border Police were injured. They conducted an initial investigation into the circumstances of the incident

(Photo: IDF spokesman)

Following the serious incident this morning in which 5 soldiers were injured, including 2 in serious condition, during operational activity in the Tulkarm refugee camp, the commander of the Judea and Samaria Division, Lieutenant Colonel Avi Blot, and the commander of the Menashe Brigade, Lieutenant Colonel Ayoob Kayuf, arrived at the terrorists' neutralization point. Near the village of Shofa, they conducted an initial investigation together with Golani Reconnaissance Unit soldiers. The commanders expressed great appreciation for the soldiers' actions.

As previously mentioned, during an operation in the refugee camp in the city of Tulkarm, the soldiers conducted a suspect arrest. While doing so, there were exchanges of fire, and terrorists threw explosive devices towards the security forces, who responded with gunfire. As a result, several terrorists were identified as being injured.

(Photo: IDF spokesman)

The IDF and the police have reported that during the withdrawal of forces from the operation, five Border Police (MAGAV) soldiers were injured by the explosion of a grenade. Three of them were seriously injured, while two suffered light to moderate injuries. The soldiers have been evacuated to hospitals, and their families have been updated on their condition.

The Border Guard Commander, Brigadier General Brik Yitzhak, said: "Our fighters acted this morning with courage and determination to combat terrorism in Judea and Samaria. I wish a full recovery and swift healing to the Border Police soldiers who were injured in the fighting. We will continue to work jointly with the security forces to combat terrorism and protect the citizens of Israel. Every terrorist must know that if he tries to harm our forces, we will reach him and settle the score."


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