Rockets were Fired from Gaza

Alarm in the Gaza Envelope: Rockets were fired from Gaza toward the sea

An alarm was heard in an open area in the northern Gaza Envelope, after several rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip towards the sea and did not cross into Israeli territory. The firing was conducted as part of the military arm training of the Islamic Jihad

Archive (Photo: Hassan Jadi/Flash 90)

An IDF spokesperson announced this morning that an alert was activated in the Home Front Command application in an open area in the northern Gaza Envelope, following the launch of several rockets from the Gaza Strip towards the sea. The announcement clarified that the rockets did not enter Israeli territory.

According to reports, the firing towards the sea was part of a training exercise conducted by Al-Quds Brigades, which serves as the military wing of the Islamic Jihad. Throughout the morning, loud explosions were heard in the northern Gaza Strip, and residents of the area were informed that it was part of a training exercise.

As previously mentioned, in Gaza, at the beginning of the week, they announced a renewal of disturbances along the Gaza border in response to the influx of hundreds of Jews to the Temple Mount for the Sukkot holiday – which, according to terrorist organizations, constitutes "violations of the status quo at Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem." The decision comes a week after it was decided to reopen the crossings for the entry of laborers from the Gaza Strip, following two weeks of closure due to the disturbances.

Sources in Gaza stated that Israel has promised several benefits to Hamas, including increasing the number of entry permits for laborers from Gaza, expanding the fishing zone off the Gaza coast, and allowing for increased exports and imports. On the other hand, Israel has made it clear that these economic steps will only be provided in exchange for lasting calm.


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