After the wife of Knesset member Zvi Sukkot was attacked on Twitter due to the head covering she wears, the one who came out to defend him and his wife is News 12 correspondent Moriah Asraf Wolberg, who labeled the reactions as "disgusting."
"Read the comments on this photo and then tell us more about your attitude towards women, respecting them, and not harming them," wrote Asraf Wolberg, summarizing her feelings with the word "disgusting."
Knesset member Zvi Sukkot from the Religious Zionist party posted a photo last night in which he is seen with his wife and Simcha Rothman, and wrote, "Joyous Holidays." He did not expect the harsh reactions against his wife, solely because of her head covering. One of the commenters wrote, among other things, "What injury does the covered one have next to you with such a costume? Didn't you hide some Ben Oliel there?"
Another commenter wrote, "Without a doubt, in this enormous hat on your wife's head, there is unnecessary pressure to the spine. Why cause such harm in the name of fashion?" Another comment said, "Where does she still want to go with that hat on her head? She's taking up public space."
In the religious Zionist party, they responded, "All the red lines have been crossed. The wife of a Knesset member is humiliated on social networks by protest activists with her 'sin' being her head covering, and the opposition leaders remain silent. This is not a protest against the government but an act of hatred against Judaism and the Jewish tradition." Knesset member Zvi Sukkot also responded, writing: "After they disrupted Kol Nidrei, destroyed a festive event for children, and ruined the opportunity to broadcast from a Sukkah on Channel 14, the enlightened liberals have set a new goal – my wife's head covering. Haters of Judaism."
Even on the response post, harsh comments were written, with one of the commenters stating: "Someone who chooses to live her life with a terrorist willing to murder innocent people is deserving of condemnation. Jewish terrorism must be eradicated."