Legal Adviser to the Government Gali Baharav-Miara responds to Justice Minister Yariv Levin's request to receive separate legal representation in the petitions dealing with the government inspection committee regarding malwares, and announces that she approves the request.
However, the Attorney General castigated Minister Levin who claimed in his letter last week that the legal advisory system to the government is in a conflict of interest because the government inspection committee is also supposed to examine it, and claimed that this is a statement that "lacks any basis".
She further added: "Regarding your claim that the position of the legal adviser to the government seeks to prevent an examination of the system of legal advice to the government and the attorney's office - the legal advice to the government made it clear in its opinion that there is no motive for the establishment of the committee. The prevention only concerns the committee's involvement in pending proceedings and the disruption of investigative and judicial proceedings."
Yariv Levin: "An attempt to narrow the committee's steps"
As mentioned, last Friday Minister of Justice Yariv Levin submitted the request for separate representation in the petition filed against him to the High Court regarding the establishment of a commission of inquiry into the fraud. The request was submitted on the grounds that the legal advisory system is expected to be reviewed by the committee and as a result, it is found to be in conflict of interest.
In the letter that he sent to Deputy Attorney General Gil Limon, Minister Levin wrote: "I would like to emphasize that under the circumstances of the matter, independent representation is required for the government and me, and this is primarily because the legal advisory system for the government is in a conflict of interests that is not above him in this issue, in a way that prevents him from interfering in it anyway".