Two months after the boycott of the Strauss company on Channel 14, the company's CEO Shai Babad published a letter to the company's employees, in which he indirectly referred to the storm following the boycott. On Channel 14, they congratulated him on the news.
Babad wrote, among other things: "Precisely in times like these, patience, tolerance and acceptance of the other allow us to be truly together. In this context, it is important to point out something that for me was obvious, but from the conversations I had with many of you in the last few weeks, it is probably not the case."
Babad clarified that "Strauss is the company of all of you and of the entire Israeli public." We are committed to freedom of expression, pluralism, listening, and inclusion. We will always be open to accepting many and varied positions, without interfering in the content, as is required in a pluralistic society as in Israel and it is our responsibility to encourage a fruitful and open dialogue."
"Every voice is important and valuable, and we will never silence or muffle voices. The decisions that are made in society do not result from taking one political position or another, even if some of them were interpreted as such."
On Channel 14, they welcomed the words as mentioned, and wrote: "We welcome what was said in the letter of the CEO of Strauss Shai Babad in which he clarified that Strauss will not harm freedom of expression and will not interfere in the content of any media. We wish all the people of Israel a good conclusion And a happy Sukkot."