Minister of Settlements and National Missions Orit Strook participated in the commemoration of the thirtieth anniversary of the murder of Batsheva Nigri, a 14-year-old who was killed in an attack on Mount Hebron, and in her remarks referred to Netanyahu's visit to the United States.
"I don't know if our prime minister will come back with an agreement with Saudi Arabia, but I do know that we have an agreement, we have an agreement with God on this land and it is a long-standing agreement that cannot be canceled and it survived all the challenges and brought us back here with this agreement, We are bound by this agreement, and God, who is the minister of history, is bound to this agreement."
"At the end of the day, it is the agreement that will win. We are here to stay, to get stronger, to grow, to intensify, and to keep the agreement because agreements need to be kept, and this is our agreement."
During the commemoration, the minister spoke words of eulogy and encouragement to the residents of Beit Hagai, in her words she said: "Beit Hagai was established as a response to the terrible murder in Beit Hadassah and Beit Hagai survived and faced so much harassment from our enemies. And from all such harassment Beit Hagai grows stronger and strengthens the entire settlement because It is a symbol of the entire settlement, it is a symbol of a firm grip, it is a symbol of the statement that we will not be moved from here and that our bond with the land of our ancestors is stronger than all attempts to uproot us from here."