"Amiram Is Innocent"

Although he was convicted The MK claims: "Amiram is innocent"

Member of Knesset Limor Son Har-Melech from Otzma Yehudit party came to a fundraising event for the release of Amiram Ben-Uliel and repeated her words that Amiram is innocent of the murder of the Dawabsha family

Limor Son Har-Melech (Photo: Yotzer or)

MK Limor Son Har-Melech came to a fundraising event for the release of Amiram Ben-Uliel and reiterated her view that he is innocent.

The MK from Otzma Yehudit who caused a stir when she said that she does not believe that Amiram Ben-Uliel is guilty of murdering the Dawabsha family and that his confession was obtained through torture, continues to stand her ground despite the criticism.

Har-Melech came to the conference of the organization "Mate Tzedek for Amiram" where she explained why she could not believe that Amiram was guilty of murdering the family members.

During the conference, the Knesset representative addressed the response to her statement and insisted: "I do not support a murderer, I know he is innocent, I know Amiram is innocent."

In addition to her words at the event, the Knesset member published a message on social media in which she wrote: "Yes, I believe that Amiram Ben-Uliel is innocent and that his confession was obtained under torture that no one would have endured. If you want proof of persecution, look at the insistence on keeping him in solitary confinement for 8 years, a sanction that does not exist, She has a precedent."

In addition, the Knesset member noted: "They also doubted Zadorov's innocence and here he is acquitted after 17 years and after a final verdict in his case. I only hope that with Amiram it will take less time."

The Knesset member then called on the law enforcement systems to find the real culprit, her: "The real, despicable, and depraved murderer of the members of the Dawabsha family is now walking free. And the wrong person is in prison, I call on the law enforcement systems to do everything in their power to find the despicable monster who committed the crime against humanity (which is of course against Judaism), and to do justice."


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