Demolition Orders

A month after the destruction: demolition orders for ten houses in Binyamin

Civil Administration inspectors accompanied by eight teams of the border Patrol, raided a hill in the town of Aira Shahar in Binyamin, and imposed demolition orders on a row of houses on the hill: "The right-wing government's policy of destruction continues"

demolition orders

The inspectors of the Civil Administration, accompanied by eight teams of police officers, raided the 'Aira Shahar' hill in Binyamin, close to the settlement of Kohav HaShahar, a little while ago, and imposed demolition orders on ten houses on the hill.

Among the houses on which the orders were imposed are also the houses of four families. The extensive operation to impose demolition orders comes a month after a campaign of destruction that took place on the hill with the approval of Minister Bezalel Smotrich, during which the homes of three families were destroyed in the dead of night.

At the hill they strongly attacked the imposition of the orders: "Almost a year ago we went to the polls together with the entire right-wing public to elect a government that would stop fighting the settlement and work for its development, and now the government has been replaced - but the policy of destruction remains as it was."

"The current government was elected after its members came out in an outpouring against the campaigns of destruction and the war of attrition waged by the Bennett-Lapid government against the settlements. If the planned campaign of destruction comes to fruition, this will be an indelible stain on the ministers and members of the Knesset who were elected with the votes of the right, but chose to act contrary to the values for which they were elected." They slammed at the hill.


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