Morocco Earthquake

Special documentation: This is what the damage looks like in the Jewish quarter of Morocco

Chen Shimel presents the damage caused to the Jewish quarter in Morocco after the severe earthquake: "The wall of the synagogue is cracked and partially crumbles, and several houses belonging to members of the Jewish community were damaged."

The damage from the earthquake (Photo: Chen Shimel, Srugim.)

4 Days after the deadly earthquake in Morocco, the residents of the region continued their recovery efforts, from the heavy disaster that claimed the lives of thousands of people. in a spacial documentation, Chen Shimel presents the damage caused to the Jewish quarter in Marrakesh and the impact of the severe earthquake on the Jewish community in the country.

"While reporting from the historic Mellah Square in Marrakesh, the consequences of the recent earthquake are well felt," Shimel said. "My camera lens recorded a difficult image: the exterior wall of the Lazama Synagogue, which is cracked and partially crumbling. This is a beloved landmark since the expulsion of the Sephardic Jews in 1492."

The damage from the earthquake (Photo: Chen Shimel, Srugim.)

Shimel added and described the activities of the teams at the synagogue: "Rescue teams and members of the community are trying to save what is left, but this physical damage highlights a broader and more poignant loss: the loss of heritage and history. This synagogue not only served as a house of prayer but also as a symbol of the rich Sephardic heritage of Moroccan Jews". Despite the damage, Shimel noted that "there is still a daily minyan here every morning."

The damage from the earthquake (Photo: Chen Shimel, Srugim.)

In addition to the damage caused to the synagogue, Shimel reported that "damage was caused to a number of houses belonging to the members of the Jewish community in Mellah, which made them temporarily uninhabitable."

The damage from the earthquake (Photo: Chen Shimel, Srugim.)

"While Marrakesh is dealing with both physical and emotional consequences, its Jewish community is dealing with its loss in a special way," Shimel concluded. "Even though the synagogue and Mellah were not completely destroyed, the extent of their damage serves as a grim backdrop to their vulnerability."


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Israel-Hamas war, Gaza, IDF

Heartbreaking: another fallen soldier in Gaza has been identified

On Wednesday, the IDF announced the death of Captain Elay Elisha Lugasi, 21, from Kiryat Shmona. He served as a team commander in the 75th Battalion of the 7th Armoured Brigade and was killed by an anti-tank missile in Gaza City's Shijaiyah neighbourhood.

Eliana Fleming | 20:50

Israeli hostages, Hamas, Gaza

Just in: update on Hamas hostage negotiations

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Poll: Israel's' most popular baby names of 2023

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US politics, 2024 elections, Trump

Trump launches election campaign in Israel

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"Absolutely false": Deputy Press Secretary responds to reports Biden considering dropping out

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War linked to significant surge in postpartum depression, study finds

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