"US System  Is Rotten"

"Trump's prosecution shows that the US system  is rotten"

The President of Russia commented on the election and said that the prosecution of Trump shows that the system in the US is rotten. The media reports that Kim Jong Un arrived in Russia on the way to a meeting with Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin (Photo: Shutterstock)

Russian President Vladimir Putin referred to the US elections and said on Tuesday that the prosecution of former US President Donald Trump was politically motivated and showed that the political system in the US is "rotten".

As you remember, Trump is facing a series of criminal cases in which he is accused. Among other things, in an attempt to undo his defeat in the 2020 presidential election by Joe Biden.

In addition to this statement, various media outlets in the world report that Kim Jong Un, the ruler of North Korea, arrived in Russia today (Tuesday) for a meeting with the country's president, Vladimir Putin. The reports come after it was reported that North Korea's ruler left his country on a private armored train through the country's far eastern region.

The two leaders are expected to offer increased support to each other in their escalating confrontations with the West. North Korea's ruler is expected to seek economic aid from Russia and military technology. This is in exchange for ammunition that will be used in Russia's war in Ukraine.

This is Kim's first visit outside of North Korea since 2019, consistent then, the North Korean leader met with Putin in Vladivostok. The previous meeting of the two leaders was held against the background of the collapse of North Korea's talks with then-US President Donald Trump, who met with Kim for the first time to promote a deal to denuclearize the country.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (Photo: Alexander Khitrov, Shutterstock.)

Relations between the countries were not always good. But since Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the relationship between them has strengthened. The relationship was driven by Putin's need for war supplies and Kim's efforts to increase partnership with traditional allies Moscow and China as he tries to break out of his country's diplomatic isolation.


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Israel-Hamas war, Gaza, IDF

Heartbreaking: another fallen soldier in Gaza has been identified

On Wednesday, the IDF announced the death of Captain Elay Elisha Lugasi, 21, from Kiryat Shmona. He served as a team commander in the 75th Battalion of the 7th Armoured Brigade and was killed by an anti-tank missile in Gaza City's Shijaiyah neighbourhood.

Eliana Fleming | 03.07.24

Israeli hostages, Hamas, Gaza

Just in: update on Hamas hostage negotiations

Hamas's response to the renewed hostage negotiations have been passed on to Israel, according to Mossad. Israel is currently examining the response with mediators. 

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2024 UK Elections, politics

Predictions for UK elections and what this means for Israel?

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US politics, 2024 elections, Trump

Trump launches election campaign in Israel

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Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 03.07.24

IDF, Israel-Hamas war, terrorists

The "war of attrition" against terrorists: IDF's new strategy in Gaza

A military analysis reveals why IDF forces keep revisiting the same regions in Gaza they have already conquered, and what their main goal behind their 'attrition' strategy is. 

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 03.07.24

Politics, United States

"Absolutely false": Deputy Press Secretary responds to reports Biden considering dropping out

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Update: IDF names soldier killed in today's terror attack in Karmiel 

One soldier killed, another injured in stabbing at Northern Israeli Shopping Center

Gila Isaacson | 03.07.24

Politics, United States

NYT: Biden tells ally he's weighing whether to stay in the race

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Israel war, reservists, student grant

Reservist Students didn't Receive the promised grant from the Government

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Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 03.07.24

Politics, United States

Pro-Israel Republicans are particularly warm to this potential VP pick

Jewish Insider reports that of the many candidates for Trump to choose as his VP pick, this one is considered the best for Israel.

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Israel-Gaza War, Postpartum Depression

War linked to significant surge in postpartum depression, study finds

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Lebanon, Hezbollah

Three projectiles land in Kiryat Shmona area; one starts fire

Three projectiles launched by Hezbollah landed in the Kiryat Shmona area on open ground. No casualties were reported.

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