The Legal Reform

Netanyahu: "Hold those inciters accountable."

In the background of the calls of incitement against the members of the government, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu harshly attacked the words and called on law enforcement officials to arrest the instigators. He also pointed an accusing finger at the opposition: "They did not see fit to condemn"

(Photo: Srugim)

At the beginning of the government meeting today (Sunday), Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu addressed the incitement calls of the leftist protest leaders Shikma Bressler and Costa Black. According to him: "I cannot accept the incitement calls coming from the leaders of the demonstrations.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu referred to the government's actions to reach an agreement regarding the reform and the incitement calls heard over the weekend by the leaders of the leftist protest: "We are making tremendous efforts to calm the spirits in an attempt to reach as broad a public agreement as possible regarding the legal reform. I cannot accept the incitement calls coming from the leaders of the demonstrations of the left. A leading activist in the left demonstrations calls government ministers Nazis. Another prominent activist wrote on Twitter to the government minister, "You are worse than the Nazis." Not a few hours had passed since these shocking statements and at the left demonstration last night in Modi'in they called for my death and the death of my wife, that I will be in the cemetery as early as next year.

Netanyahu: The opposition did not see fit to condemn the incitement

Later, the Prime Minister called on the members of the opposition to calm down and strongly condemn the statements against the ministers. According to him: "Until now, none of the opposition leaders has seen fit to condemn these serious things. I call on them to do so and join us in calming the spirits of the people. I expect the law enforcement agencies to act strongly against the incitement and to come to terms with the instigators. Up until now, almost nothing has been done Significantly against this wild incitement."

In conclusion, he said: "The freedom to demonstrate is not the freedom to incite and if we act together in the right spirit, we will not allow this extremism, we will achieve a better and sweeter year for all the citizens of Israel.


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